We can hardly say that today there exist the problem of choosing a type of housing. Everyone can find something he or she likes. For instance, some people prefer to live somewhere in the country in a small, but cosy cottage or a large farmhouse. To my mind those people, who prefer this type of dwelling really adore nature: they want to wake up to songs of birds, to enjoy beautiful landscapes, to breath fresh air or in other words they want to have a calm and measured rhythm of life. Usually such people keep the poultry and the cattle. One of advantages living in such a house is that you have your own land where you can grow fruit and vegetables, make flowerbeds and plant beautiful flowers, lay out an orchard, etc. You can also build some outhouses like a green-house, a garage, a tool shed or an arbour. But the greatest disadvantage of living in a farmhouse or in a cottage, in my opinion, is that it takes much time to get to the nearest town, but if you have a car it isn't a problem for you. That's why I think over the possibility to live in a cottage when I retire.
There are also those who like semi-detached houses or, as the Americans call them, duplexes. I believe that such houses attract people because they are less expensive than mansions or bungalows for example and you have only one neighbour as opposed to block of flats. And as you have a neighbour you can always turn to him if you need something, though from time to time your neighbour can disturb you when he repairs his part of the house or listens to music too loudly. But in general I'm sure that it's quite nice to live in a semi-detached house.
Below I've mentioned such a type of housing as a block of flats. I consider that it's the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. Flats can be of different sizes: one-roomed, two-roomed, three-roomed, so one can choose a flat he/she likes. If you are going to live alone, you can prefer a studio to a large apartment. Besides among advantages of living in a block o f flats some people name the fact that it takes less time to tidy up a flat than a house. But as any type of housing a flat has its disadvantages: your neighbours can make a lot of noise when they, for example, hammer or drill the wall, or when they organize a party. Sometimes you can depend on your neighbours - imagine such a situation: your neighbours' tap is dripping and they need it to be repaired, so they block the water supply not only in their own flat but also in yours and you have to wait for hours till you can do the washing-up or take a shower. It isn't convenient, but in spite of it the largest part of population in our country lives in blocks of flats. I also live in a flat and I can say that all these disadvantages don't bother me very much, and in general it's a good type of housing.
And the last type of dwelling I want to mention is a detached house. It has a lot of advantages: first of all your neighbours can never disturb you. But at the same time if you want to ask your neighbours for something or just to have a talk you can visit them. As you have some land around the house you can build outhouses; and if I lived in a detached house I would certainly build a garage, a summer house, maybe a padding pool and certainly I would arrange some flowerbeds as I adore flowers.
In the end I'd like to add that there are many types of housing and all the people have the right to choose where to live.
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